Waste & Recycling

Waste & Recycling

Managing waste in an environmentally friendly way and using the secondary materials it contains are key elements of EU environmental policy.

EU waste policy aims to contribute to the circular economy by extracting as much high-quality resources as possible from waste.

The European Green Deal calls for fostering growth by moving to a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy; as part of this transition, several EU waste laws will be revised.

The Waste Framework Directive is the EU legal regulation for the treatment and management of materials to be disposed of within its borders. The same introduces an order of preference for waste management called the “waste hierarchy”.

Some waste categories require specific approaches; therefore, in addition to the general legal framework, the EU has many laws to address different types of waste.

The latest EU data collected indicate that 5 tons of waste are produced by the average European each year and only 38% of this waste is recycled (leaving over 60% for landfilling).

With these numbers it is clear that we must all do something …….

EVi believes that the use of completely recyclable “GREEN” material is a concrete answer and provides solutions that improve waste management, stimulate innovation in recycling and limit landfilling.

More information is available by consulting the link EVI s.r.l. | Packaging solutions (evi-italia.com)

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