Water Activated Tape, Dispenser & Sustainable Package

Water Activated Tape, Dispenser & Sustainable Package

The recent health vicissitudes combined with the changing economic situations in the world,  have in fact generated an important change in the packaging sector and its consumables,  considerably increasing the demand for increasingly innovative solutions that respect the environment; among the most popular, the growth in demand for WAT tape and related equipment stands out.

There are many factors driving this growth. For example, the increased demand for WAT paper tapes and related dispensers due to the high adhesion strength of the tape that ensures perfect closure of the packaging. In addition, the increase in manufacturing industries that require more resistant adhesive tapes than conventional ones, generates in fact a greater demand for services for the shipment and logistics of goods with green material and disposable in a single solution.

Recent economic reports have assigned to the global WAT tape market (starting from 2021) a value of around 3,800.00 million dollars, estimating a constant and considerable increase in the coming years that should reach 5,000.00 million dollars before 2030.

With the above studies and premises, it isnecessary and prudent to deepen the topic by evaluating “first and foremost” the market dynamics that gravitate around this specific sector.

Surely the growing demand for cardboard packaging in the various product sectors is driving sales of rubberized tapes all over the world; From transport to logistics, from e-commerce to pharmaceuticals, from beverages to food, from cosmetics to personal care products, we look with interest and at a packaging that provides a strong adhesive force of closure of the package and protects the product contained in it in the best possible way, during transport.

The need to securely seal cartons and boxes, to prevent theft or loss of property during the transport of goods, is inexorably directing the sector to the use of WAT tapes; its use is also encouraged by the fact that the same belt has a high resistance to deterioration due to changes in temperature and heat in the surrounding environment, always guaranteeing the effective closure of the packaging.

WAT creates a watertight and resistant seal; This condition provides protection from moisture, bacteria, mold growth, as well as reducing the rates of deterioration of the material contained within the package.

For the above, the shipping and logistics sector is turning to WAT solutions that are more resistant (based on the various types of normal belt, reinforced or reinforced with heavy weaving), which allow less use of material (saving on procurement costs) speed up all the operations of closing packages (increasing hourly production) and maintaing green and completely disposable in a single solution the entire packaging (with enormous savings of time and money for the final consumer).

WAT is in fact the completely recyclable adhesive tape created from natural materials such as pure or recycled kraft paper  and is equipped with a natural adhesive that is activated when it is moistened.

The massive use of WAT also automatically involves the sector of the equipment necessary for the closure of the packaging, from table dispensers for small hourly productions, to the most complex taping machines for large workloads.

In the field of table dispensers, there are many solutions proposed by the market, but they must be updated if they want to remain competitive, considering the growth forecasts estimated above.

In 2022, the global market for desktop dispensers reached $5.2 billion, with development progression by 2030 to $7.3 billion.

It’s estimated that, for ease of use and for the proven reduction of material waste, table dispensers will enter more and more heavily and forcefully not only in the daily production logic of companies that already know their merits, but also in commercial offices, small businesses and delocalized companies that need package their production in the best possible way.

This situation will determine the technological improvement of WAT tape distributors, which will be increasingly supplemented by solutions that allow to further improve the belt dispensing system and the general processing times. This note will carefully play  a dominant role in the growth of the WAT tape table distributors market.

In this fascinating scenario, EVI is developing interesting solutions with investments in its R&D activities for the development of innovative, cost-effective and tailor-made solutions that can give added value to the operational profitability of customers who choose them.

To find out more contact info@evi-italia.com

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